Medical Marijuana: An Attempt to Remove Stigma Attached to It

A lot of buzz circulating about medical cannabis these days. Actually, it's all because of its legalization in several states across the nation. Though marijuana has reached at a point, where people can get it for genuine purposes, however, it had many ups and downs throughout its journey. Therefore, people have differences in their opinions about medical cannabis. Also known as medical marijuana or MMJ, medical cannabis is actually the refined form of a marijuana herb. While many people oppose its legalization, focusing only on its bad image it had in the past, there are many studies and reports that show how important role it plays in alleviating the symptoms of severe medical conditions. If you dig into the past, you will get to know that marijuana was once completely banned. Wondering, why? Well, it was started using as a recreational drug to alter the senses. That was one of the main reasons because of which the state governments banned dealing with the marijuana. But, th...