Your child has cancer. The main medication that reduces the symptoms of chemotherapy is therapeutic cannabis oil. She's all around ok to return to class and needs to so she can be with her companions. You are back at work all day however prefer to drive her to class instead of have her take the transport so you can get to know each other in the first part of the day. In any case, you need to drive back to her school before lunch. She needs her medication to support her craving and reduce queasiness. She's additionally in agony. It is illegal for the school medical attendant to offer it to her. It is illegal for the prescription to be on school property. The main thing you can do is leave work and drive a half hour class kickoff, lift her up, convey her home to offer it to her, drive her school year kickoff, and after that return to work. Your manager is strong, yet you feel amateurish for leaving work and you can't bear the cost of it either, however this is your tyke...