Cannabis- A Building Block for Improved Cognition

Cannabis- a mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems flowers and seeds of the hemp plant. This plant-based mix is used as a medicine that shows effective results in treating multiple medical conditions. As per the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “ medical marijuana is mostly recommended by the physicians in the U.S. for diverse ailments, especially for treating chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. ” When it comes to treating conditions and mental illnesses, it positively affects the brain functions in the elderly. A study done at the University of Bonn in Germany concluded that” small doses of THC affected the brain cognition in the mice. Those mice were young, mature as well as the elderly. As it happens in the younger humans, THC inhibited cognition in the young mice slightly. But, as THC was introduced to the older groups of mice, they performed better on the cognitive tests as compared to the younger mice to whom THC was introduced to THC .” With this study proved itse...