Cannabis For Various Types of Headache

Approximately 96 percent of the total population experiences one or the other severe headache at least once in the lifetime. The research says the frequent headaches are to be considered as “disorder.” By far, the most common type of headaches are: Tension headaches, and Migraines. “ These two types of headaches affect nearly 40 percent of the total U.S. population each year. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 18 percent of women and 6 percent of men are affected by the migraine.” Still, the root cause of migraines is not exactly known. They could be triggered due to high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, light or smell sensitivity, vision, nausea, and this list continues. To treat headaches ranging from mild to severe various heavy medications are recommended, which have adverse effects. However, some home remedies could also be suggested, including herbal tea, meditation, essential oils, warm compress, and exercise. ...