Medical Marijuana: Uses and Short-Term Effects

Medial marijuana, short for MMJ and also known as cannabis, is the refined form of a substance that is commonly derived from the leaves, flowers and seeds of the Cannabis Sativa plant. Despite its use for treating several medical conditions, MMJ has been one of the hottest controversial topics for researchers and scientists. This is the reason, this medial herb is not completely legalized in all regions, states and countries.

California in 1996, became the first MMJ state that legalizes the use of medical marijuana for treating severe health conditions. Other MMJ states are Arizona, Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Illinois, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, Montana, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Vermont, Rhode Island, Oregon, Washington and the District of Columbia. In short, finding a MMJ center, such as a San Francisco medical center for MMJ is not a daunting task. It is important to note that the laws associated with the use of medical marijuana may vary from state to state. So, one should be well-aware of the state laws before using MMJ.

Given below are some medical conditions for which one can be recommended to consume MMJ:
  • Glaucoma
  • Cancer
  • Seizures
  • Severe Pain
While the use of medical marijuana is good, it is recommended not to consume it without consulting a doctor or health expert. Children, heart patients and expectant mothers should never use medial marijuana. Moreover, one should not over consume it, as over consumption may lead to short-term effects. Some of them include loss of coordination, difficulty in thinking, problems with memory and a lot more!


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