Get Your Physician's Permission For Marijuana Treatment
Most of the people know that consuming marijuana will make you high as it causes hallucinations. This is the main reason it is quite popular among drug addicts. What they don't know is consuming marijuana in large quantities is not injurious to health even it might result in death. This was the main reason that earlier marijuana's use was completely banned.
Later, when it was proven in the research that it possesses medicinal properties and could be used for the treatment of many health problems, then several US states have lifted the ban. What they did this time is created some strict rules and regulations for marijuana's use so that no one could use it for wrong reasons. In every marijuana permitting state, there are selected clinics, dispensaries and medical centers that are provided with licenses to sell or offer marijuana treatment.
One can't take treatment at any other medical facility other than those clinics and medical centers. Also, there is a condition to meet a medical marijuana doctor in San Francisco, which is possession of an MMJ card. This card is issued to individuals who got their physician's permission for this treatment. This is because your physician knows your medical condition well and grants you the permission only when your health problem is out his/her reach.
You are not issued an MMJ card if your physician denies to grant you the permission for marijuana treatment. In case you consume marijuana without your physician's consent, then it is treated as an offense and you could be jailed. Also, you could face other consequences too like vomiting, headache and hallucinations. So, follow your physician's advice if you want to get rid of your health problem.
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